Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 4, A Change to the Routine and a Fancy Recipe with a French Name

The first three days of the Challenge are pretty much identical in the Daily Guide but Day 4 brings a few small changes. Along with feeling better than ever (seriously, the man has a spring in his step), rather than drinking a Fiber Drink in the morning you take your first ProBiotic RESTORE Ultra that comes in convenient dose by dose packets in your Herbal Cleanse box. Everything else stays pretty much the same. After The Great Lunch Fiasco Joe made sure to prepare his own lunch and snacks today.

5 AM
Wake up - Take Catalyst and ProBiotic RESTORE Ultra. Go get ready for work feeling FANTASTIC about life.

5:30 AM
DON'T MIX OR DRINK YOUR FIBER DRINK. Set those aside till Day 8.
Mix, sit and enjoy a Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake. Notice you kind of actually feel lighter. Cheat and hop on the scale (Technically you're not supposed to do this till the end of your cleanse...oops.) and notice YOU HAVE LOST ALMOST SIX POUNDS IN LESS THAN FOUR DAYS.

5:45 AM
Mix up a Fruit Punch Spark for the ride into work. Be thankful that you remember to pack your own lunch (Steak and Homemade Coleslaw with a new and improved dressing - I promise at some point once he decides the perfect ratios I'll have a recipe), snacks (banana, almonds), drinks and supplements (Spark, Massive Water Jug, Lunchtime Catalyst).

6 AM - 5 PM
While Joe was probably busy enjoying his proper lunch and snacks throughout the day and the kids were at Mother's Day Out, I did a little Challenge related shopping. Picked up a pair of pill boxes for him to carry his supplements to work in, a bottle of Bragg's Liquid Aminos (to replace soy sauce in.. whatever you want to use soy sauce in), and a bottle of Liquid Agave Nectar. I admit I have no idea what I'm going to use the Agave Nectar in, but people keep raving about it on our group challenge Facebook group, so I had to see what was up.
Which reminds me -- One of the huge benefits of AdvoCare's 24 Day Challenge is the support system that comes along with it. The products are great and they WORK,  and the Daily Guide is a huge help for planning/tracking purposes, but it is so, so, SO HELPFUL to have a mentor you can ask questions about specific foods or anything else you need clarification about. I've had to double check many times with the group or Hal (sometimes both) on whether or not I should use a specific ingredient or for suggestions for substitutions. While the internet has TONS of information, not all of it is trustworthy and you will very quickly find a lot of contradictory material and ideas out there. It's nice to have one spot to go and KNOW you're getting solid information.

Joe sent me a text in the afternoon talking about how great he feels. This is beyond unusual. Most afternoons I'm accustomed to the "Man I'm ready to come home to you guys" text, but not the "I feel great" text.

5:45 PM
Grab Joe's dinner (this one turned out AWESOME and I was kinda jealous of it - recipe below)and dinner time OmegaPlex, head to his brother's house for a pizza making night (and a trip to Doodles that Joe courageously did not partake in Italian Ice or Sorbet during...)
On the drive over Joe talked about how he's not having his usual afternoon slump in energy/motivation and that at times when he would usually push something off till the next day he took on a new project and finished it before heading home. He's always productive, now he's like.. super productive.

Snack, Catalyst, Herbal Cleanse Caplets.



Chicken en Papillote & Sauteed Kale
(Because we so FANCY)

You'll need:
Parchment Paper
1 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, in half inch thick slices
1 Small Onion
Red Pepper Flakes

Coconut Oil
1 Clove Fresh Garlic, sliced thinly
2 cups Kale, chopped, 1-2 in peices
Lemon Juice


-Preheat oven to 400
-Cover bottom of small baking dish with Parchment Paper
-Place Chicken on paper
-Cut onion in half, setting aside one half, cut in wedges and place around/on chicken evenly
-Sprinkle lightly with red pepper flakes
-Cover with second sheet of parchment paper, fold edges of bottom and top pieces together to create a pouch.
-Bake in oven till pouch is puffed, chicken is cooked through, and onions have softened. (10-14 minutes)

-Heat two tablespoons coconut oil in skillet
-Add sliced garlic and cook till garlic is softened, but not brown. If you notice browning, remove from heat before next step
-Add chopped Kale and about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
-Stir, Cover pan and check every two minutes. Feel free to let it wilt or keep it pretty crisp - either way is fine.

Serve Chicken on top of Sauteed Kale. Revel in your level of fancy deliciousness.